So, this last week consisted of trying to get things together for my daughters birthday on Thursday - I can't believe she is 15!!!! Where in the world did the time go? So we celebrated her birthday at my mom's house on Thursday with her wishes fulfilled - Stuffed Peppers for dinner and an Angel Food Cake with Whipped Cream for dessert. She has gotten so much grief for that - what a weird kid! But she doesn't even care that all her friends and much of her family think she's so weird - she was glad to have what she wanted.
Then we jumped into the weekend - driving Keelei over to Farmington Hills for a Spirituality Conference at the Universalist Unitarian Church there. She was the only one of the youth from our church who wanted to go to a more serious CON, so we had to do the transporting to get her there and back. We all drove over there on Friday and the boys were sooooo good for us. The watched old Superman Movies in the backseat and Keelei just rocked out on her ipod. Mike and I had some really nice conversations. I was so glad that we all ended up going as I had had a fairly emotional week for whatever reason. After we dropped Keelei off we took the boys out for dinner and we had a great dinner together. They were goofy and silly and several people stopped to tell us how beautiful they are. Then we started the trek home......got home late and put the boys to bed.
Liam was restless and feverish all night Friday night and then Gavin woke up on Saturday with a fever too. So thats pretty much been the weekend, taking care of sick boys. Liam is still pretty active, but Gavin is a little limp noodle on the couch. He still has a fever, so I probably won't get my usual Monday on my own here.....probably will keep Liam home from daycare if Gavin isn't going to school too. We'll see. The tough part will be that with them home I can't get as much done as needed to get ready for Keelei's Birthday Party with friends on Friday. She's having a Friday the 13th themed party:) So trying to get some fun stuff together around that theme. She's invited 4 girls and 3 boys, so we'll see what we end up with here on Friday.
Ohhhh! I almost forgot - the highlight of my week! I am in a couple of different swaps on Ravelry right now and earlier this week I got my package from the Color Swap I am in! It is sooooo awesome. My partner, figmentkim on Ravelry, sent me an awesome bunch of green goodies, 2 scarves, a shawl, 7 skeins of Crystal Palace Ribbon Yarn & 2 skeins of Crystal Palace Fizz, a beautiful wooden bookmark with a quote from Socrates that says "Wisdom begins in Wonder.", a journal, a gorgeous green bag, a package of frog magnets, a project bin that she made recycling a container and covered it with fabric. It was awesome. The best part though was the beautiful and touching letter she sent to me. It was a detailed little "diary" of her putting together the package. She did such an awesome job of researching thru my posts and my projects and I just want to send out some huge cyberhugs to Kim to thank her for all the lovely goodies she sent my way. I've posted a pic of my lovely Color Swap Swag above - thanks again Kim!!!!
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