Saturday, January 10, 2009

Knitters need a little help?

I joined a group on Ravelry to try to help me along with all my UFO's. The group is called Finish or Frog It - the idea is every Friday to evaluate one or more of your UFO's and decide whether to Finish it or Frog it. I have several items that I need to do this with, so figured this was a great group to help keep me accountable. Do you have a basket, bin, shoebox or maybe even a closet of Unfinished Objects? Maybe you'd like to join in the fun! Here is a link on the rules:
Looking forward to showing off my finished & frogged items in the very near future;)

Starting up.........

Well, I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time now. It will be a new experience for sure, and I'm sure that I'll have lots to learn about how to navigate all of the things that are possible by being here.
I hope to be posting about things I'm working on, and just general stuff with family life. There are so many folks that I love looking thru their blogs and seeing what they are doing, making, and dreaming about. I can only hope to find a little bit of the creativity that so many others show.
Happy Blogging!!!!