Keelei finished up her drivings training class and passed the written exam - YEAH!!! She only has two more evenings of driving with the teacher and then we can go get her permit. She wants to drive all the time, but I'm leary right now of when I let her as she is so slow and nervous - so very careful about the timing in the day and the level of traffic that will be out there. Summer should be good for just letting her drive everywhere we go during the day and really working on logging her 100 hours in there. I honestly can't believe my baby is driving - its CRAZY!!!! She's so grown up in so many ways. She was sad to have canceled her trip to Europe this summer. With the economy she just wasn't able to get enough jobs to earn the money. But we found a great opportunity for her to go for 9 days down to New Orleans with a group of Unitarian Universalists from our district to do a service project cleaning up from Katrina, as well as some education on the process that it has been cleaning up from the Hurricane. I think it is going to be a great eye-opening experience for her. If I thought my body could manage it - I'd so go with her. But I don't think I could do sleeping on a cot and following someone else's schedule for when I can rest ect.
Along that line, my Fibromyalgia has been irritating me more and more. My daily pain seems to be up a couple of notches, and I seem to move into more intense pain quicker. All of this has added to me dealing with more and more depression & anxiety. I've been so hopeful that I could deal with this with the least amount of "drug treatments" as possible. I haven't taken anything since having the shots in my hips last fall. But I've been really weighing things the last few weeks and how bad I've been. I know its hard on Mike & the kids when I am not able to get thru the day without being in tears from my pain or just crying because of my mood. So, I'm thinking that next week I'll call and make an appointment with my rheumotologist to talk about the different drug options and the implications of those drugs. We'll see where that goes.
That brings us to the "brightening" of my day(s) - Yesterday I got my wonderful box of yarny goodness from Fresh From the Cauldron. Jen so rocks!!!! So I got two colorways off my list for the Vampire Club, Charlie Swan & Volturi, along with a cool sock pattern. And then I got the club colorways for the OZ club Dorothy Gail & Scarecrow. The OZ club also came with a coffee mug that says "If I only had a Brain", a stitch marker and a pattern for a basketweave shawl. Jen also sent me another pattern to test for her - I'm currently testing the Bad Moon Rising pattern and it is so cool! there are elements that I've never done before and I'm loving watching it all come together. I posted to the FFtC group to see what yarn I should do it in, and Jen wanted to see it in the "No Place Like Home" colorway that I received from last months OZ club shipment.....I'm so glad thats what I went with, it is just turning out beautifully. I'll get a picture of it soon to post.

As for items I've finished.....I've gotten a couple of things done this month:
-a Ballband Dishcloth pattern by Pisgah Yarn & Dying Company

a cabled bookmark using the Backbone pattern by Kiersten Brandt

and last but not least - the Monkey socks that I just finished and mailed off to Kate of Katydid Creations - hope she loves them:)

Well, I guess thats it for now - off to work on my socks, watch for a picture of them soon:)
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